Grey and boring auditor?
The results of the survey commissioned by Suomen Tilintarkastajat Ry were clear: young people found the profession boring and the work a lonely slog. However, this perception does not reflect reality. The work of an auditor is varied and flexible, employment prospects are good and the pay is right on target. Together we set out to break down these misconceptions. The aim was to make the profession more attractive to young people and at the same time to create professional pride among auditors.
Let’s make auditors the bombshells of the dating market
What if we combined two important themes in young adult life: the pursuit of love and the excitement of a fresh career? We created a campaign concept where the accountant is suddenly the hottest stuff on the dating market.
The campaign concept shows two people dating. One is excited about an interesting and eventful day at work. The date is excited: what is this profession where the days are so versatile, exciting and the work community seems wonderful?
Well, an auditor of course!

Delicious content took over the web, cinemas and events
With delicious visuals and striking campaign materials, the campaign took a big step away from the grey image associated with auditors.
The multi-channel campaign was displayed on young people’s preferred social media channels (Instagram, TikTok, Youtube and Jodel, Finnish chatroom app), as well as in Finnkino cinemas and on Tinder. During the campaign, a commercial partnership was established with the Finanssiveli meme account. In addition, the campaign was presented at student events organised by Suomen Tilintarkastajat and at the Studia fair stand. The campaign was an effort by the whole industry and the materials were also widely distributed through the audit communities’ own channels.
The campaign included:
- Two campaign videos, animations, photos and social media posts
- Campaign page and career stories
- Materials for student events: quiz, student overall patches, posters, brochures, and props for photo shoots
Bold campaign caught the attention of the target group
The campaign had three launches: one each in November 2024, January and March 2025. The three launches reinforced the campaign’s impression on the target group and also coincided with the application periods for university majors and joint application system.
Already in its first launch, the campaign reached its target audience well and generated enthusiasm both among young and existing auditors. The bold and distinctive look of the campaign received plenty of praise, and the campaign content appealed to the public.
The best performing Jodel spot had a click-through rate of 3.81%, compared to a typical 0.3%. On YouTube, almost 75% watched more than half of the campaign video. The overall patches were a big hit at the events. The campaign also attracted many new followers to the channels of Suomen Tilintarkastajat.

3.7 million
impressions on social media
26 000
clicks on the campaign page
Over 7 000
likes on the Finanssiveli’s post

Drum’s execution speaks insightfully to the target audience and also manages to make those already in the industry proud of their own versatile profession. The planning, budgeting and channel choices seem to have been spot on. It’s great to continue working together from here on.”
Jaana Lindman, Head of Communications and Advocacy, Suomen Tilintarkastajat ry

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