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We say it in a way that gets to people.

How could we help you and your company with marketing communication? Let’s ask good questions together, find answers to them and plan an effective communication campaign for you.

We design concepts and their multichannel implementations.

Drum provides diverse campaign planning and marketing communication services to support the different goals of our clients. Our clients include companies, public-sector actors and organizations. What they all have in common is the need to develop creative communication concepts.

The concept of marketing communication can focus on promoting a product or service or raising awareness of a specific topic. The goal can even be to stimulate public discussion.

A multi-channel approach is the obvious starting point for modern marketing communication. This is why our client teams include specialists in different areas of communication and channels.

In addition to the latest digital skills, marketing requires the ability to address people in such a way that the message stands out from the stream of content. The most important thing is to say what you want to say and say it in a way that gets to people.

An effective communication concept is recognizable and distinctive. It endures time and can be easily applied to various channels.

Would you like to learn more?

Mikko Koivulehto
Concept Designer, Partner
+358 40 555 1313

How can we help?

  • Concept design
  • Campaign planning
  • Visual design
  • Multi-channel implementations
  • Content production
  • Campaign measurement

Our work

  • Campaign — 
  • Communications

How does ADHD feel like?

  • Campaign — 
  • Communications

Paula teaching friendship skills to first graders

Our other services

Consultation and training

How could we help you and your company with communication?


Branding is the recognition, articulation and visual representation of one’s own distinctiveness. 

Content and production

We implement content marketing from the creative idea to production, distribution and measuring of results.
