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Let’s create communication that makes an impact.

Consultation and training

The strategy lives on in communication

How could we help you and your company with communications? Would you like to participate more visibly in the social discussion? Does your crisis communication need to be refined, do you need publicity for your responsible actions, or does your employer image require a little polishing? Let’s ask good questions together, find answers to them and plan the right communication strategy for you.


Identity and visual look

Branding is the recognition, articulation and visual representation of an organization, product or service. Refreshing your brand and updating your visual look is an excellent starting point for creating effective communication.

Marketing and communication

Creative concepts

The world of marketing communication is constantly changing. But in addition to the latest digital skills, we also need the ability to tell stories and evoke emotions. A well-designed concept of marketing or communication creates meaning and is easy to remember.

Content and production

From ideas to implementation

Good planning takes you closer to your goal. We create content marketing from the strategy and concept to production and distribution and ultimately to measuring of results.

1. Controller
Drum Communications Inc
Tehtaankatu 27–29 D
FI-00150 Helsinki, Finland
Business ID 3316484-5

2. Contact person responsible for the Register
Tiina Vasama

3. Register name
Communications and Cooperation Partner Register of Drum Communications Inc

4. Legal basis and purpose of the processing of personal data
We process personal data in order to fulfil the contract for the service that our client has ordered.

The purpose of the processing of personal data is to transmit notices, invitations or other information
on behalf of our clients.

Data shall not be used for automated decision-making or profiling.

5. Data content of the Register
The following information necessary for the purpose of the Register may be processed:

Person’s name
Company/organisation/blog name
Contact information (address, telephone number, email address)
Website address
Usernames/profiles in social media services
Information related to cooperation (e.g. what product samples/test equipment were sent)
Information about participation in events
Data shall be retained for as long as is necessary for the purposes of cooperation.

6. Regular data sources
The sources of information are the information provided by the client of the Controller, the information provided by cooperation partners
and publicly available sources of information.

7. Regular disclosure and transfer of data outside the EU or the EEA
As a rule, data shall not be disclosed to third parties. Data can be disclosed to
Drum’s subcontractors when they participate in the activities described in this privacy statement
related to the implementation of the use purposes. As a rule, information shall not be disclosed to parties outside of the EU or the EEA.

8. Principles of protecting the Register
The Register shall be handled with due care and the data processed with the help of information systems
shall be appropriately protected. When Registered data is stored on internet servers, the physical and digital data security of the used equipment shall be ensured in the appropriate manner. The Controller shall ensure that the stored data, access rights to servers and other information critical to the safety of personal data is processed confidentially and only by the employees who must process such data as a part of their job description.

9. Right of inspection and right to request rectification of data
Any person in the Register shall have the right to verify their data recorded in the register and
to request the rectification of any inaccurate information or the completion of incomplete information. If
the person wishes to check or rectify the data recorded about them, the request must be sent
by email to the Controller. The Controller may, if necessary, request the person submitting the request to
prove their identity. The Controller shall reply to the person submitting the request
within the time limit laid down in the Data Protection Regulation of the EU (normally within one month).

10. Other rights related to the processing of personal data
Any person in the Register shall have the right to request the erasure of their personal data
from the Register (“right to be forgotten”). Data subjects also have other rights
under the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU, such as
the limitation of the processing of personal data in certain situations. The requests must be sent to the Controller by email. The Controller may, if necessary, request the person submitting the request to prove their identity. The Controller shall reply to the person submitting the request within the time limit laid down in the Data Protection Regulation of the EU
(normally within one month).

Website cookies

The website uses cookies, which help to ensure the technical functionality of the website, improve the user experience and collect visitor statistics. The purpose of visitor monitoring is to develop the quality and content of the website in a user-oriented manner. The user data is not used for marketing or transferred outside of Drum.

A cookie is a small text file that is sent to and stored on the user’s computer. Cookies do not damage the users’ computers or files. The website uses both session-specific and tracking cookies. Session-specific cookies are stored in the memory while the browser is open. Only tracking cookies used to identify new visitors and returnees will remain.

We ask for your consent to the use of cookies the first time you visit the website.

Ideas, inspiration, actions and results.

Hop in, let’s do this together.

Drum is a Finnish communications agency that combines open-mindedness and creativity with reliability and efficiency. We believe that all communications and marketing must also be socially engaging.

Communication and marketing are best planned from scratch. The starting point is to find the right messages and ways to implement our client’s strategy through communication.

That’s why we want to provide our clients with the widest possible understanding and competence in marketing communications. We always assemble a team that best suits our client’s needs.

We want to be the most important and closest marketing communication partner for our clients and create results that we can be proud of together.

Drum in figures


Drum’s overall rating,
Drum Client Survey 3/2020

3,5 M



“How good is it to work with Drum?”, Drum Client Survey 3/2020


Jussi Eronen

Jussi Eronen

Senior Communications Consultant

Noora Happonen

Noora Happonen

Communications Consultant

Ella Härkönen

Ella Härkönen

Art Director

Anssi Hypén

Anssi Hypén

Video Producer

Susanna Isohanni

Susanna Isohanni

Senior Communications Consultant, Partner

Annikka Itkonen

Communications Consultant

Jenni Jääskeläinen

Jenni Jääskeläinen

Communications Consultant

Tero Kekki

Communications Planner, Partner

Laura Klefbohm

Project Director

Mikko Koivulehto

Mikko Koivulehto

Concept Designer, Partner

Mari Kuusinen

Mari Kuusinen

Senior Communications Consultant

Antti Luostarinen

Antti Luostarinen

Graphic Designer

Kaisa Neittaanmäki

Communications Consultant

Saara Niinistö

Concept Designer

Katri Pelli

Katri Pelli

Account Director

Annamari Säteri

Annamari Säteri

Project Director

Emma Tikkanen

Emma Tikkanen

Art Director

Janina Tolvanen

Communications Consultant

Maija Tommila

CEO, Partner

Tiina Vasama

Financial and HR Manager

Vilja Vehkaoja

Vilja Vehkaoja

Senior Communications Consultant

How to find our office

Drum Communications

Tehtaankatu 27-29 D, 3.rd floor
00150 Helsinki
+358 9 584 00551 

Arriving by public transport

Our office is located in Helsinki, in the Mestaritalo office building in the neighborhood Punavuori. You can reach us by tram well as by Helsinki city bus.

The entrance to our office in on Tehtaankatu’s side, the green door next to a gated inner yard.  The door is open during office hours, but if it happens to be locked, the doorbell is on the right.  

Our office is on the 3rd floor. Welcome!

Arriving by car 

If you’re arriving by car, you can park either on the street or on the S-Market Bulevard’s parking hall at the address Hietalahdenranta 7. The parking hall has a parking fee.

NOTE! When driving from the direction of Hietalahdenranta, the entrance to the parking hall is from Mallaskatu. The entrance is on the left, just before the traffic tunnel.
